Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Information on Sub-minimum wages for people with disabilities and appeal rights, PART 2

How to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division regarding sub-minimum wage certificates:

This is a flyer listing the type of information you need to include with your complaint. It states that, "All services are free and confidential, whether you are documented or not. Please remember that your employer cannot terminate you or in any other manner discriminate against you for filing a complaint with WHD."

The complaint should be filed through a local Wage and Hour Division office. Here is a map that shows you where the district offices are located in your state. 

Michigan has two district offices:

Detroit, MI, 48228
211 W. Fort St.
Room 517
TEL: (313) 309-4500

Grand Rapids, MI 49503
800 Monroe Ave., NW
Suite 315
TEL: (616) 456-2004

The Midwest Regional Office that includes Michigan is here:

Midwest Regional Office
230 S. Dearborn Street, Room 530
Chicago, Illinois 60604-1757
Karen Chaikin, Regional Administrator
(312) 596-7180

Here is information on how to make a Freedom of Information Act request from the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor.

If it were me filing a complaint, I would want to know more about the procedures and timelines for filing. People at your local Hour and Wage Division should be willing to answer questions about the investigation and how you proceed with your challenge to a wage certificate. Ask for a copy of the wage certificate that applies to you or where you can obtain a copy of it. 

Reach out to your state Protection and Advocacy Agency for advice and assistance. Here is a map to locate Protection and Advocacy in your state.

You may want to consider requesting changes to your "Individual Plan of Services" (IPOS) by scheduling a Person-centered Planning meeting to discuss alternatives to your current work situation. This may include looking into supported employment services that provide support for working in an integrated, competitive work setting and other alternatives.   

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