Friday, July 10, 2015

Washtenaw ACA on rate reductions for self-determination direct care workers

On July 1, 2015, Kathy Homan, President and CEO of Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy, commented to the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners regarding the decision by the Washtenaw Community Health Organization (WCHO) to reduce the hourly rate of pay for direct care workers under self-determination living arrangements:

“In May of this year, CSTS reduced the hourly rate of pay for Self-Determination budgets and removed all additional line item allowances from all [Medicaid] waiver recipients using self-determination. This reduction has decreased, if not ceased, the ability for people with developmental disabilities to be included in their community. The rate reduction was done with no input from the community and in violation of The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Budget Authority Process in the Habilitation Supports Waiver application, as stated in the letter from Michigan Department of Health and Human Services that was sent to the WCHO on June 4, 2015. I spoke with CMS after receiving a copy of this letter and confirmed that the violation to the Authority Process also included all other Home and Community-Based Service Waivers. This same letter stated that 'As a result, we are requesting that the WCHO reverse this decision immediately and retroactively to May 15, 2015 for all SD and choice voucher arrangements effected by this action.'

"The WCHO’s response to MDHHS, dated June 15, 2015 states '1. In coordination with the Washtenaw CSTS Clinical Team, we are collaborating with the individual and/or guardian to review the Individual Plan of Service (IPOS) and the Self-Determination budget. Upon review with all parties, the IPOS will be reviewed and signed off on by the individual and/or guardian and the CMHSP.' '2. Through the completion and signature on the updated IPOS, each individual and/or guardian will be provided Adequate Notice of Rights.' It also states that the WCHO will attempt to negotiation a solution locally. Should a solution become unattainable, WCHO will ensure individuals are provided assistance with filing a Medicaid Fair Hearing. We believe the WCHO response does not comply with the letter from MDHHS and is considered by some families as a bullying tactic.

"Self-determination is a policy through the public mental health system that is to be made available to any person receiving services through PIHPs and CMHSPs. The five principles of self-determination are Freedom. . . to plan a real life, Authority. . . over your resources, Support. . . . for building a life in your community, Responsibility. . . to the wise use of funds, and Confirmation…of the important roles that individuals must play in a designing systems.

"In October of this year, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners will have more oversight for CSTS. We ask that you include people with developmental disabilities and their families on the Community Mental Health Board so nothing again is ever decided about them without them." [emphasis added]

[The MDHHS is the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, a new department that merges the old Department of Community Health and the Department of Human Services.]

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