Michigan comments on CMS proposed rules (CMS-2296-P)
If you would like to see a good sampling of comments from Michiganders on the CMS proposed rules, follow this link.
The proposals from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services would limit where Home and Community Based Services could be provided, causing disruption for people already living and receiving services in settings that would no longer be approved by the CMS. For future recipients of HCBS services, their choice of options would be restricted to those determined by CMS to be "integrated in the community" and "not institutional in nature".
As you will see, there are a variety of views on these proposals and many thoughtful responses.
Thanks for posting the link. It looks like the ARC of Michigan is up to it's usual extreme agenda of trying to sharply limit the choices of people with developmental disabilities, their families, and guardians.
Fortunately, the folks at CMS got an absolute earful on this radical proposal and are reportedly going "back to the drawing board" on these ideological, impractical, and ill considered proposals. Cutting off funding for people happily living in stable communal settings is not only wrong ("community-based" means a lot of different things to different people), it's down right mean-spirited to make people move and close down organizations because of some far fetched notion of what's right for me is right for everyone. Those who want independent living are entitled to it...but so too people who prefer group settings. The recent smack down the DOJ got in Arkansas Federal Court will hopefully moderate the zeal of advocates like the ARC of MI to impose their views on others. http://media.arkansasonline.com/news/documents/2011/06/08/Conway_Human_Development_Center_ruling.pdf
Choice in living arrangements should be the bedrock principle, not some radical misinterpretation of what the Olmstead decision actually said.
P.S. Michigan Medicaid's comments that the definition of "settings" in the proposed reg was far too narrow was pretty interesting. Definitely worth a read.
Thanks for posting the link. It looks like the ARC of Michigan is up to it's usual extreme agenda of trying to sharply limit the choices of people with developmental disabilities, their families, and guardians.
Fortunately, the folks at CMS got an absolute earful on this radical proposal and are reportedly going "back to the drawing board" on these ideological, impractical, and ill considered proposals. Cutting off funding for people happily living in stable communal settings is not only wrong ("community-based" means a lot of different things to different people), it's down right mean-spirited to make people move and close down organizations because of some far fetched notion of what's right for me is right for everyone. Those who want independent living are entitled to it...but so too people who prefer group settings. The recent smack down the DOJ got in Arkansas Federal Court will hopefully moderate the zeal of advocates like the ARC of MI to impose their views on others.
Choice in living arrangements should be the bedrock principle, not some radical misinterpretation of what the Olmstead decision actually said.
P.S. Michigan Medicaid's comments that the definition of "settings" in the proposed reg was far too narrow was pretty interesting. Definitely worth a read.
Re: Michigan Medicaid Comments
I know I looked at those, but I can't find them again. Could you please send the link for those.
Jill Barker
It's listed under "Jacqueline Coleman"
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