Monday, September 26, 2022

Michigan Voter Information - Election November 2022

Many things have changed since redistricting following the 2020 census. For one thing, the task of redistricting was taken over by the Michigan Independent Redistricting Commission (MICRC). This change was approved by voters in November 2018. As a result there has been some reshuffling of district lines and local precinct boundaries. This notice is from Disabiility Rights Michigan to make sure everyone knows where and when to vote in the November 2022 election:

Voting Precincts

Do you have a new precinct or polling location? Check your mail for a new voter info card or visit to find out. This new location may be a result of the most recent redistricting process. 

Questions about voting with a disability? Call and speak with one of our advocates at (517) 487-1755 or (800) 288-5923. l