Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Michigan: Proposed changes to the Medicaid Manual based on the federal settings rule

From the ARC Michigan Governmental Affairs Update, December, 2017:

"The Medical Services Administration (Medicaid) has published proposed policy creating a new Medicaid Provider Manual chapter for Home and Community Based Services in compliance with the final federal HCBS rule. 
Public comment will be accepted until January 1; the policy has a proposed effective date of January 1, 2018."

Here are the proposed changes - read carefully and comment.

Mail comments [due January 1, 2018] to:

Heather Hill
Bureau of Medicaid Policy and Health System Innovation
Medical Services Administration
P.O. Box 30479
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7979

Phone: 517-241-9397

Policy Subject: New Medicaid Provider Manual Chapter for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

Affected Programs: MI Health Link HCBS Waiver, MI Choice Waiver, Managed Specialty Services & Supports Waiver, Habilitation Supports Waiver

Policy Summary: The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has developed a new Medicaid Provider Manual chapter for HCBS that describes the requirements under the HCBS Final Rule. These requirements aim to improve the quality of the lives of beneficiaries and allow them to live and receive services in the least restrictive setting possible and be fully integrated in the community.

Purpose: To ensure compliance with federal HCBS requirements. 
