Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Understanding Guardianship Part 1 : Facts and Data

Opposition to guardianship for people with developmental disabilities by disability rights advocates has been growing over the last twenty years as more funding becomes available for promoting alternatives to guardianship. Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is the most recent initiative that promotes “a process in which adults who need assistance with decision-making…receive the help they need and want to understand the situation and choices they face, so they can make life decisions for themselves, without the need for undue or over broad guardianship” [from “Supported Decision-Making: An Agenda for Action”, 2014, p.1]. The Federal Administration on Community Living (ACL), under the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, has given millions of dollars in funding for multi-year projects to promote and do research on Supported Decision-Making. Among those receiving grants are the Quality Trust for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities for their National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making and the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University in New York.

While slogging through articles and reports on guardianship and its alternatives, I was struck by how little data is available on guardianship. Very few reports make distinctions between guardianships for people with severe developmental  disabilities, people with mental illness, physically incapacitated adults, and aging citizens who can no longer handle their own affairs or are affected by Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. To illustrate the importance of making these distinctions, my son Danny, who has been profoundly mentally and physically disabled since birth, has never accumulated property or wealth and is unlikely to be the target of unscrupulous probate attorneys who want to get their hands on his loot. Our guardianship is the best tool we have to make sure he is not taken advantage of and that his rights are protected. My mother, however, who lived to be 98 years old and had some degree of dementia by the time she died, was a good example of someone who had everything in place for my father and I to make decisions for her and could have been at greater risk of exploitation if she had been forced into a court-appointed guardianship.

Another question is, who are the guardians? It appears that the vast majority are close family members or friends of the person needing guardianship. Guardianship abuse from family members can occur, but it appears that corporate or state guardians with dozens of wards are far less likely to attend to the needs and wishes of people under guardianship. More stringent regulation of corporate and state guardians may be warranted, but family guardians may be overly burdened by too many requirements aimed at professional guardians and may not need the same kind of monitoring and supervision by the court. 

Much of the reporting on abuses in guardianship (see the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse) is anecdotal. These anecdotes are rarely quantified to give an overall idea of the extent or causes of guardianship abuse. Although there are horrific stories about what can happen to people under guardianship, we rarely see stories about unpaid family guardians who defend their family members against agencies and individuals who, through neglect or the intentional desire to do harm or simply to save money, exploit vulnerable people with disabilities. And then there are advocacy organizations who claim to know better than the family what people need and are often the recipients of funds for projects that may conflict with the interests of the people the advocates claim to represent. 

Speaking of anecdotes, this has to do with guardianship procedures at our local Probate Court. In 1996, we filed a petition for guardianship for our son Danny. The Court appointed an attorney to represent him, ostensibly to protect his rights and to make recommendations as to his need for guardianship and whether he had any objection to my husband and I becoming his co-guardians. The attorney never called us to find out more about Danny. My husband and I finally met him in the hallway outside the courtroom 15 minutes before the hearing at which time the attorney thought I was the caseworker from Community Mental Health who would be submitting a report to the Court on Danny's condition. Near the end of the hearing, the attorney turned to Danny and asked Danny, who has never been able to talk or communicate in any specific way, if he had anything he would like to say to the Judge. Danny did not respond. Afterwards, we assume the attorney collected his $600 from the Court, the going rate for attorneys representing people who are too poor to pay attorney’s fees. There are lots of conclusions I could have drawn from this one instance of an attorney neglecting his duties, but I talked to other families who had good experiences with court-appointed attorneys who were both caring and fair.

With that said, this is a report from Michigan called the Task Force on Guardianship and Conservatorships; Final Report, September 10, 1998”. The Task Force was created in 1996 by the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) after news stories were published about abuses by a professional guardian in Wayne County. 25 people were appointed to the Task Force, including probate court judges, probate court registers and staff members, both houses of the Michigan Legislature, relevant executive  branch agencies, several advocacy groups, the State Bar Association, academia, and members of the probate bar.

The goals of the Task Force were to make recommendations on the following topics:
  • Reduction in the use of guardianships and conservatorships;
  • Guarantee of an appropriate number of qualified and concerned guardians;
  • Guarantee of adequate monitoring of guardians and court operations; and
  • Institution of needed standards, training, and education.

The report said that two-thirds of the probate courts did not keep a statistical record of the total number of guardianships and of the percentage of guardianships that are limited (or partial) as opposed to plenary (or full). Although the idea of the Task Force was instigated by abuse by a professional guardian, it found that the vast majority of people filing guardianship petitions were family members or close friends of the person. Guardians often had guardianship recommended to them by other agencies or professionals. 

Here are some of the recommendations of the Task Force:

To reduce the use of guardianships and conservatorships, it recommended that local resources be established to assess the need for guardianship and develop alternatives to guardianship. It also recommended that an effort be made to educate personnel in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical or psychological personnel to emphasize presumption of competency and alternatives to guardianship.

To reduce the unnecessary appointments of guardians, the Task Force recommended collecting better screening information on court forms, requiring court-appointed attorneys to include an evaluation of the functional capacity of the potential ward, and more training for judges on cognitive and physical impairments, mental illness, and the aging process. It would have been helpful to know how the Task Force ascertained whether a guardianship was unnecessary and how many unnecessary guardianships were found, but that was not mentioned in the report. 

Recommendations on how to better manage guardianships and conservatorships included minimum ethical standards for professional guardians, compelling courts to comply with statutes and court rules, requiring annual review of accountings, and restrictions on real estate transactions involving the ward’s property. These recommendations seem obvious and it is surprising these were apparently not already implemented by the courts that handle guardianships.

In addition, the report recommended that the Courts should increase the recruitment and training of volunteer guardians, and more guardians who are state-agency-funded and -monitored should be provided as guardians of last resort. This is also surprising, considering that the main complaint was that too many people had court-appointed guardians. The shortage of guardians available for appointment by the court is often mentioned in other reports on guardianship.

The report also includes this statement:

“Many of the recommendations may increase costs to the local funding units or state agencies. Implementation of such recommendations must only be done with a corresponding increase in appropriations to cover costs to avoid any unfunded mandates.”

Some members of the Task Force belonged to organizations that would later become recipients of the type of funding recommended by the report. This included representatives of Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services and the director of the Washtenaw Association for Community Advocacy, a local affiliate of the ARC. They received funding from the Michigan DD Council from 2002 - 2004 for the “Preventing Guardianship” project. 

More to come….

See also Comments to the National Council on Disability on Guardianship and Supported Decision-Making

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