Monday, January 25, 2010

Michael Head from MDCH sees the good side of a tanking economy

"The opportunity to advance change and delete poor practices and service options is enhanced with the specter of large budget reductions..."
Michael Head, Deputy Director of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Administration for the Michigan Department of Community Health, 12/16/09

Michael Head, a Deputy Director at the Michigan Department of Community Health, in his response to Michigan's economic crisis, seems delighted to have an excuse to eliminate programs he doesn't like. Unfortunately, the programs and services he targets specifically - day programs, sheltered workshops, and group homes - serve people with the most severe and complex developmental disabilities. I guess we shouldn't be too concerned, though. He plans to have them all earning incomes in integrated community settings, competing for jobs in a state that expects to have an unemployment rate of 15% this year.

If we are in for some tough times, can we at least have someone who is not completely out of his mind in charge?

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