Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Let the Whacking Begin

The Detroit Free Press has a series of editorials on the seriousness of the state budget crisis. If something doesn't happen soon, the cuts will begin in earnest ...

So let the whacking begin. And maybe, when all the Secretary of State's branches are closed for a week or two, and people can't get driver's licenses, and the trash is piling up at unkempt rest areas on highways leading to closed state parks, and businesses can't get anyone at the state to answer their calls, and the court date for which someone has been waiting two years is abruptly postponed, and people are bleeding in emergency rooms way longer than 29 minutes because the places are filled with Medicaid patients whose doctors have quit the system -- maybe then the depths of this state's financial problems will alarm the public enough to compel some action.

What a shame that will be. But Michigan is running out of options for much else.

What are you willing to accept? If the legislature raises taxes, what is the fairest way to do that? Should past tax breaks be revoked? Can we afford to raise taxes? Can we afford not to raise taxes? More money is not the answer to every problem, nor is reducing taxes and spending to the point of destroying government programs that we all rely on. Let your state legislators and the Governor know what you think. Contact your State Representative, State Senator, and the Governor.

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